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How to Install Cedar Shakes

Cedar roofing is often celebrated for being the most energy-efficient roofing material. It also helps that it is quite beautiful too. Here is what you need to know if you would like to go the DIY route and install cedar shakes on your roof.

Choosing the Right Nails 

The success of your installation will depend quite heavily on the type of nails that you use. You should only make use of rust-resistant nails, such as hot dipped, galvanized nails to allow sufficient penetration into the sheathing when installing cedar shakes, and they should be at least a 1½ to 1¾ of an inch in length.

Ventilated Sheathing 

Spaced sheathing allows for proper ventilation. However, not all sheathing is created equal. You must always refer to building codes in order to ensure that you purchase the right sheathing for the specific type of building on which the cedar shakes are being installed. A ventilated mat may be used over solid sheathing in lieu of spaced sheathing. This mat is commonly referred to as ‘cedar breather’.

Starter Course 

When installing cedar shakes, it is important to install a starter course at the eaves of the roof. The first layer of cedar shakes can be installed over the starter course. 

Keeping it Tidy 

Obviously, you want your cedar shakes to look perfect once you have completed the job. This means that your placement needs to be accurate. Roofing professionals recommend that you measure from the eaves to the butts of end shakes and snap a chalk line to aid in properly aligning the butts for the next layer of shakes. 

Is earning how to install cedar shakes starting to seem a little bit too complex? Why not get the experts at Heather & Little Ltd. to do it for you? Contact us today for details regarding our cedar shingles and shakes services in Canada. 

Preservation Consulting

And if you are looking for a second opinion on your project or have a particularly complex issue that needs a fresh eye, we’re here for that too. Tackling tricky challenges is our specialty and we welcome the opportunity to provide consulting advice, with the same exacting attention to detail we bring to all our commissions.

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